Devon and Cornwall Police are carrying out a survey with local communities. This is important and we would like to hear your views. Your opinions will influence the community engagement and delivery of services within your area. We want to better understand what’s great and what’s not so great about where people live so we can work with residents to help tackle any worries and issues that you may have.
1. What is good about the local area where you live?
2a. What are the issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working between police, partners and community members to resolve? (Tick top 5 that apply)
Please select a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 5.
2b. Are there any OTHER issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working not listed above?
3. How confident are you that the police would be there if you needed them?
4a. Is there anyone living near you who you think may need some support?
4b. Please give details below: